Thursday, January 13, 2011

The holiday season - Emma meets Santa

Well, it is mid-January already so I am just a bit behind on getting these posts together. But, better late than never! And I have some really cute pics I just have to share.
Looking back on the month of December it was a rush of family & friends, holiday themed dinners, countless trips shopping, picking up "just one more thing" for Emma and a lot of anticipation.

Emma is so much fun these days. Don't get me wrong, she's always been a joy. But I absolutely love this stage. She makes me laugh daily with a new word or action. I love when she does something silly which makes us both laugh hysterically. This morning as I changed her soaked diaper she looked up at me from the changing table and said "Mama, egg and toast!" So egg's and toast she got. It's really nice when you can actually understand what she needs or wants.

So as Christmas approached both Duane and I grew more and more excited for the big day. Now Duane is the kind of guy who listens to Christmas carols as soon as the local station beings non-stop rotation. He decorates with more and more Christmas lights each year (and is the first to hit the clearance racks the day after). He actually begs me to let him decorate the house before Thanksgiving (which I don't!).
I on the otherhand am by no means a scrooge. But, in years past never really understood his passion for the season. Until this year and all the fun we had with Emma along the way.
Duane and I opted not to take Emma to the mall for the traditional screaming photo with Santa. For one I was a bit leary of germs, long lines and a traumatized kid. Plus, we are fortunate enough to know two really great family friends who have an uncanny ressemblance to the man in red and often time plays dress up for other kids in the area.

My mom has a stuffed Santa that sits on the fireplace during the holidays. Emma loved to carry him around proudly telling us "Santa" followed by a hearty "ho, ho, ho". So I knew that when she saw the life sized version she would know who he was. But...I wasn't so sure how she'd act.

Her first meeting of the jolly guy was at Grampy & Grammy Lu's house. She arrived grumpy as usual after not getting her usual long afternoon nap. But after a bit she warmed up and was quite content playing on the living room couch with her cousin Ryan. Until she heard a knock at the door:

Hmm, who could it be?


"Get me outta here Mama!!" - You would not believe how fast she scrambled from one side of the couch into my lap as Santa stepped through the front door!

This was as close as she got without completely freaking out. Ryan on the other hand is an old pro.

Hmm, a present. I think I can handle this and I definitely know what to do this year.

So attempt number two at a picture with Santa and it's Daddy's turn. Does she kind of look like she knows something is up...she just doesn't quite trust us.

Checking out Santa from Daddy's lap isn't that bad...

Poor little girl! And look at her Daddy's face, don't you think he is enjoying it a bit? :)

Don't worry, this lasted all of 5 seconds before she escaped and made a bee line for me. She did eventually "make up" with Santa and even shared one of her toy cupcakes with him.

We then attempted to get a good shot of the two little cousins which is pretty impossible these days. This one is probably the best of the bunch. They are such partners in crime - I love to watch Ryan lead Emma around by her hand. Or run down the hall looking back to make sure he is close behind.

And before we made the drive home Grammy Lu read Emma some books - her absolute favorite thing to do. Except these days she prefers to read us the books. Which is just about as cute as when she talks to her "boyfriend" Noah on the telephone :)

Tomorrow's post...Christmas Dinner with the Kozel's with another visit from Santa!

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