Friday, January 14, 2011

Dinner at the Kozel's

The holiday wouldn't be complete without our annual Kozel family dinner at my Uncle Glenn & Aunt Ginny's condo. The tradition started when Emma's cousin Katie was just little baby and the year after my dad passed away.

In typical Kozel fashion we all gather together to laugh (often loudly), eat too much, and watch the girl's get a special visit from Santa.

This year the girls got to sit at their very own kids table.

Notice Emma's little added centerpiece? She carried Kermit and Fozzie around for a good portion of the evening.

She's getting to be such a big girl! And is usually a bottomless pit. She eats pretty much anything she is offered. Including an entire cup of Chipotle Guacamole...with a spoon. Where does the time go? I can't believe she's almost 2!!

After dinner the tables are cleared and we all get ready for Santa's visit. Watching Emma and Katie's antics are thoroughly entertaining.

Trying to figure out how to get the toy out from under the entertainment stand when suddenly there is a knock at the door.

Just as a side note, this "Santa" is really our dear friend Larry. Every year around the holidays Larry grows out his beard and often wears a Santa hat around town. I love when my mom tells of stories of them going into restaurants and watching little kids eyes, as big as saucers, tug on their mom or dad's shirts and point excitedly as Santa is shown to his table. And then, after making eye contact with Santa for the ok, the parent's send their kids over to the table to talk to Santa.

Katie also thinks she has a personal connection to Santa. In fact, once the holidays are over Larry will shave off his beard. Throughout the year at various gatherings when Katie sees Larry it's always "Hi Santa! Hi Mrs. Claus!" It's the cutest thing ever. And I hope Emma shares the same enthusiasm and special bond.

Ok, maybe when she is a little older.

Hmm, do I see presents over there?

I could definitely get used to this...

I think this Santa guy might just be able to win me over.
At least she didn't completely melt down, right?

Sisters - Check out Taylor's super cute outfit!

Grandma and Santa checking out the super cool Yo Gabba Gabba paints that Katie got for Emma.

And now finally getting to play with some of her loot with her Daddy. This is an awesome Melissa & Doug wooden puzzle from Uncle Glenn & Aunt Ginny.
Emma made out well that night. Santa brought her an Elmo book with sounds and a Fisher Price Animal baby toy that takes a bottle and makes all kinds of cute baby noises. Katie & Taylor got Emma Yo Gabba Gabba bath paint & a doctor kit. And Aunt Ginny & Uncle Glenn got her the puzzle pictured above along with a second puzzle that also makes animal sounds.
What a great end to the night. We left with full bellies, smiles on our faces and one sleepy little girl.

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