Thursday, April 28, 2011

Where have we been?

So I have been really bad about posting. Probably because I have been lazy about uploading all of our photos onto our computer from the camera. There are a ton of cute ones from Easter - I promise I'll get to them!

But in the meantime, here is what's been going on in our world lately - pictures all taken with my iPhone.

Emma has discovered a new fondness for Cheerios with milk. The girl loves her "eggies & toast" but in an effort to broaden her horizons I decided to try some cereal with milk. I was fully expecting her to tell me "I no yike it Mommy" but was wrong. She loved it and thought she was such a big shot eating just like Daddy.

My little girl also recently discovered chocolate. Never having much of a sweet tooth and often prefering a cup of frozen peas over a bowl of Teddy Grahams I was surprised when Emma asked for a cookie one night while watching Yo Gabba Gabba before bed. Of course she licks all the cream from the center and feeds the rest to Max, but how do you resist a "Mommy cookie, please," complete with a head tilt to the side.

The Easter bunny also put chocolate covered raisins in some of the Easter Eggs - those were definitely a hit as well! Does the fact that they are raisins count as a serving of fruit?

Duane scored some free tickets to Sesame Street Live. Not only were they really great seats but the show was super cute. And Emma had a great time. She spent the bulk of the time perched in my lap between her Daddy & "Gaa" - but during the second act she stood and danced to the music. Elmo is by far her all time favorite but she loves Zoe and Grover too. She has even started asking to watch Elmo on TV a bit which is a welcome change from YGG. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Foofa but I am pretty sure I have seen every episode at least 10 times. Looking foward to the new season on Nick Jr.

We went out to dinner where I had my first Blue Moon on draft of the season. It was delicious. And Emma was on her best behavior - coloring us pictures, flirting with a little boy at a nearby table, and eating all of her Mac 'n' Cheese & oranges.

Peek a Boo has become another favorite. I think it's hilarious when she hides her eyes and really thinks she has disappeared. I also taught her to play Ring Around the Rosie. When Emma sings it it's more like "Ying Around the Yosies....Asses, asses, all fall down!" Cracks me up everytime. (Almost as much as when Emma says clock. She has a huge fascination with clocks so anytime she sees one she shrieks "clock!" only she doesn't quite get out the "L".)

Now that the weather has finally warmed up, the trees and flowers are starting to bloom and Emma's toys have been retrieved from the attic. Which of course means more pictures to come.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tell the Truth Tuesday

A few other blogs I follow adopt a similiar format for Tuesday posts. And they always make me laugh or nod my head in agreement. So here are mine:

1. This morning I decided to clean out my work fridge - when I came across a Gladware container of rotting salad I dumped the entire container in the trash. Believe me, this went across every "green" bone in my body BUT the brown and white liquid the soggy lettuce was swimming in almost made me vomit.

2. I stayed up WAY too late last night finishing Matt Logelin's book; "Two Kisses for Maddy" and woke up with red, puffy eyes from crying. Read the book. It was really good. I follow his blog which is listed in my blog roll, feel free to check that out as well.

3. I accidentally "bumped" the lawnmower with my passenger side mirror backing out of the garage this morning. I refuse to admit how many times this actually happens and will continue to blame it on the fact that our garage is too damn small and filled with too much crap!

4. I ate more foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies than I care to share...and all before 11am. Sometimes, I have no self control.

Those are my truths for this cold and gray Tuesday. What are yours?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Flashback Friday

So it's Friday - my favorite day of the week. And what a long, stressful, cold and wet week this has been. Between the threat of a government shut-down, the Ohio governor's insane budget proposal's effect on school funding, and the fact that this has been the coldest Spring in 18 years - I am MORE than ready for the weekend.
Why? Because I get to spend it with this little girl!

Hopefully outside, enjoying a much warmer and long overdue Spring-like weekend. Fingers crossed the rain stays away because we are itching to clean the salt and dirt out of the garage, bring down the toys from the attic, and air out our stuffy house. This weekend we'll also get to see most of my "townhome" family and other friends at "Jack's" 30th birthday extravaganza.

(This is a super old picture of the "family" a.k.a my roommates from college - wow do we look young! And we were camping, so please excuse our gross appearance.)

Emma will be spending the night with her "Ga" so Duane and I can enjoy some adult time (and probably some adult beverages) with friends, a bonfire and music. The perfect way to kick off the Spring.

Although, this is what happens when you put Joyce in charge of a party and the drinks - too much tequila!

If you are reading this you might be wondering where in the heck all of these random old pictures are coming from. Well, in an effort to cheer myself up after reading the news over lunch- I decided to check out some old pictures I had on my computer. These are pictures that I've randomly pulled from Facebook or other sources, pictures that have been scanned in for various events, or pictures that people have sent over time. Besides, I needed a good laugh.

For example, I've determined that my parents were just as cool as us on Halloween - dressing up and hosting parties in the old house in Liberty Hill. I mean, check out my Mom & Dad!

And don't they always say that you "marry your father" - check out Duane's costume from a few years back; although my dad never saw it, he would have totally found it to be hilarious.

The best part about this was we sold this on Ebay for more than we paid for it originally!

And speaking of Halloween, this was a picture we had scanned to embarass Brian at his college Graduation party. It still makes me laugh!

We all look so thrilled, don't we?

But not as much as this one, between my mom's perm, our awesome station wagon, Brian & Kristin's huge cheesy smiles, and our sweet, pink velcro Kangaroo shoes -nothing screams 80's more!

Crazy thing is the glasses my mom is wearing are coming back in style!
But this one takes the cake - taken on some ride in Disney in Orlando, a trip we took the summer before Duane and I got married. Wow, are we super serious. And my mom and I look identical.

The best part? Kristin and I took first and second place respectively.

There are plenty more pictures where these came from - but I'll save them for another post.

Until then, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend wherever you may be.