Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My ALMOST Two and a Half Year Old

I can't believe my little girl is going to be two and a half in just a couple of weeks (August 19th). Where does the time go? Still a little peanut she weighs in at a whooping 27 lbs and 35 inches tall. Her hair is coming in, slowly but surely. I think the strawberry blond locks might just be a little curly too.

Of all her toys Emma LOVES her baby dolls. She could spend hours changing their diapers, powdering their "doopa's", feeding them milk or juice, or shushing them to sleep. And it never gets old to watch.

Emma also has a mild obsession with picking flowers. So much so that any walk around the block takes forever. And with the hot and humid summer days we've been having any flower we allow her to pick is pretty much all dried up and brown. Except for Ga's pink impatiens!

Emma's favorite summer treats are Popsicles - if only I could phonetically type it the way she says it, it's so cute! She wakes up in the morning asking for one most days. She's such a funny little girl.

Emma has so many funny ways of saying different words and names. She still calls my mom Ga most of the time with an occasion Grandma thrown in once or twice. My sister is Aunt Nee Nee and probably always will be.

Kristy's little pug, Kaliki, who Emma was calling Kiki has now been christened Karicky. Speaking of the dogs it's kind of funny to see my little baldie bossing them around one minute ("NO Dexter!!) to showering them with hugs and kisses the next. What's not so funny is when she decides that it's a good idea to chase them with her doll stroller.

Emma loves to dance - and can really keep the beat. I think I have a future dancer on my hands. Currently her favorite song is Tonight Tonight by Hot Chevelle Rae - she gets SO excited when she hears it come on the radio or when Daddy pulls the video up on You Tube.

Another thing that Emma loves; WATER! Between her multiple wading pools, sprinklers and water table - Emma is so happy outside in the sunshine splashing around in the water. When I ask her if she wants to go outside and play water she claps her hands together and shouts, "Yes Mommy! That would be so cool!"

At home, at Patty's, around friends; Emma is a non-stop chatter box. She doesn't stop talking. She calls everyone on her phone, or if she doesn't have a phone she pretends. She gets super animated, even using her hands for emphasis. It cracks us all up every time. When we are out in public or in new places she is such a shy little thing though - such a funny contrast.

Other things that Emma says that cracks us up:

"Mommy is that a good plan?" after suggesting something to do

"Come sit!" as she orders us into her play room

"Rock you Daddy," meaning, Daddy rock me!

"I want to snuggle Mommy,"

"Emma no yike _____" - I love when she refers to herself in the third person

Cucumbers are Cumbers

Ketchup (or any other kind of sauce) is Dip Dip

Gold fish crackers are FiFi's

Lightning Bugs are Yightning Bugs - the only bugs she likes.

M&M's are m m's - And it's especially cute when she says "Emma's m m's"

She can count to ten, sing her ABC's and knows all of her colors, for the most part, by sight. Still a lover of books she is beginning to look at the pictures more and as she "reads" to me I can tell she is talking about what she thinks is going on on each page.

While she still loves her Yo Gabba Gabba she is equally enamoured with Jack's Big Music Show and Sesame Street, loving all things Elmo and Big Bird. Including band-aids which are more fun than stickers!

We hope to start thinking about potty training soon. And are considering converting her crib into a toddler bed. All changes that really bring home the fact that my little baby isn't a little baby anymore. But no matter how old she gets, I'll still always be her Mommy. And that's my most favorite thing to be.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lazy Summer Days

It's harder to update this blog when the weather outside has been so spectacular. Coming off of a really cold and wet spring, the warm, sunny days of the past few weeks have been amazing. And we have been soaking up every minute we can under the sun.

Here's just a peak at some of the things we've been up to in the last few weeks.

Emma absolutely LOVES her water table. We have one at our house along with one at "Ga's" house. A typical day usually consists of three outfit changes!

Emma also discovered that her beloved ice cream truck from the Outer Banks also visits grandma's house. And best of all they have the green turtle popsicles she so loves. What a big girl she is getting to be!

She also loves a big scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with berries (raspberries are her favorite) with a little dollop of cool whip. Yum!

Emma attended her 3rd pride parade this year in support of her Aunt Nee Nee. Emma's is lucky to be surrounded by so many people that love her - and she loves when her Aunt Nee Nee comes over for a sleepover.

Poor Max - even though he looks a little miserable in this picture he absolutely adores Emma. And Emma adores him too. I have to watch that she doesn't knee him in the ribs, or climb onto his head, but for the most part she is gentle. And she still loves to sneak him one too many treats.

When we aren't outside playing with the water table, sandbox or chalk Emma can be found taking care of one of her babies. She is such a good little Mama, changing their poopy diapers, freshing them up with powder and cooking them dinner in her kitchen. It's really amazing to watch her little imagination working overtime.

And if nothing else, she's always looking cute.

Hope you all are enjoying the sunshine wherever you might be.