Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tell the Truth Tuesday

A few other blogs I follow adopt a similiar format for Tuesday posts. And they always make me laugh or nod my head in agreement. So here are mine:

1. This morning I decided to clean out my work fridge - when I came across a Gladware container of rotting salad I dumped the entire container in the trash. Believe me, this went across every "green" bone in my body BUT the brown and white liquid the soggy lettuce was swimming in almost made me vomit.

2. I stayed up WAY too late last night finishing Matt Logelin's book; "Two Kisses for Maddy" and woke up with red, puffy eyes from crying. Read the book. It was really good. I follow his blog which is listed in my blog roll, feel free to check that out as well.

3. I accidentally "bumped" the lawnmower with my passenger side mirror backing out of the garage this morning. I refuse to admit how many times this actually happens and will continue to blame it on the fact that our garage is too damn small and filled with too much crap!

4. I ate more foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies than I care to share...and all before 11am. Sometimes, I have no self control.

Those are my truths for this cold and gray Tuesday. What are yours?

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