And because I love the Fall and tradition, we've made sure to take Emma each year to pick out her very own pumpkin....or two.
So, on an unseasonably warm Fall morning we headed out to find the perfect pumpkin. We knew that many other people on the east side of Cleveland would have the same idea, so we left early. Judging by the stream of cars lined up down the road to turn into the farm as we left, we knew we had made the right decision!
I have managed to get some great pictures of my little baldie among the pumpkins each year.
When she was little she didn't have a choice since at the time she wasn't very mobile.
(Emma - 8 Months Old)
It was absolutely freezing, but Emma was a trooper - we have countless shots of the little miss, but this one if my favorite.
Last year took more effort to her to sit still among all the pumpkins. All she wanted to do was run and climb over the endless piles of perfectly orange gourds.(Emma - 1 Year, 8 Months Old)
With the addition of a fancy new playground it was even harder to get a fiesty 2 year old to sit still. But even so, Daddy managed to snap a few good ones.
Someone is such a little ham!
I love these - when did someone get so big!!!
All settled into the wagon with her loot - she was so excited. But I think she was even more excited to get her Apple Cider Slush.
All settled into the wagon with her loot - she was so excited. But I think she was even more excited to get her Apple Cider Slush.
All this fun Fall stuff means one thing - Halloween! And with Boo at the Zoo and Trick or Treat right around the corner....I am sure there will be more fun Fall-themed posts to come.