A place to talk about my family, friends, and the things I do to make my little piece of the pie a happy (and greener) place.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Steven Tyler's Funny - Who Knew?
Okay, I have to admit that I didn't jump onto the American Idol bandwagon until late - maybe only 3 seasons ago. (Confession: I was a total David Cook groupie) And like the rest of America I enjoyed the auditions stage - laughing at the folks who made complete fools out of themselves, cringing at the scathing criticism that Simon Cowell dealt, and even feeling a tad bit sad for some of the contestants who seemed to have no clue they completely sucked.
I wasn't a huge Simon fan to begin with - I found him to be too harsh and a bit melodramatic. The whole weird thing going on between him and Ryan Seacrest drove me crazy. I think Paula may have only been around for one or two seasons that I watched - and the whole time all I could think about everytime she opened her mouth was what kind of drugs she was on.
My husband loathed Kara (me, I didn't really mind her) and the whole Ellen thing was nice (I heart Ellen) but a little misplaced.
Let's just say I didn't have high hopes for this season. While I have a soft spot for America's "dawg" - Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez (formerly known as J.Lo or Jenny from the Block) drives me absolutely insane. Yes, she's absolutely gorgeous but she seems so full of herself and the fact that she wears those ridiculous fur coats is totally off-putting. Not to mention Steven Tyler. In highschool I wore my copy of Aerosmith's CD Get a Grip out (specifically on tracks 9, 11 & 13) and had a huge girl crush on Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler (um, who didn't want to drive around in a convertible wearing a sexy school uniform). I think I wanted to be them. Surely this rock in roll legend was selling out and attempting a lame publicity stunt via reality TV to bring him back into the limelight.
Considering I am 5 episodes behind on Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice, 8 behind on Brothers & Sisters and an embarassing 10 on Parenthood (hello, I have an almost 2 year old)- I didn't plan to watch this season and save my reality TV craving for So You Think You Can Dance this summer. But, my smart little DVR was set up to record all new episodes of AI from last season(damn technology!) and the first week of auditions appeared at the top of my recorded list tempting me. Of course I caved.
My husband and I got Emma to bed and sat down to watch week one. And you know what? We actually laughed out loud. More than once. And not just at the unfortunate contestants who couldn't carry a tune to save their life (ok those made us laugh too) - but at the hilarious dead pan comments from none other than Mr. Tyler. Who knew he was absolutely hilarious?
Yes he is zany and if you google American Idol Tylerisms the list of wacky one-liners is abundant. But I think what really makes him funny is his dead-pan delivery. And the reaction of the other judges.
He is also kinder and gentler, holding back his criticism for contestents who really, truly think they can sing (even scolding Randy!) which is a nice change from Simon's snark.
But last night - when the now infamous (and completely lovable) Chris Medina brought his injured fiance into the room to meet the judges and Tyler bent over, kissed her cheek and told her, "That's why he sings so good, because he sings to you" I officially melted. Complete with tears (although, not going to lie, it doesn't take much these days).
So I guess American Idol will continue on my DVR list (I'll learn to ignore J. Lo)- I'll catch up with my other shows one of these days.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dinner at the Kozel's
Trying to figure out how to get the toy out from under the entertainment stand when suddenly there is a knock at the door.
Hmm, do I see presents over there?
I think this Santa guy might just be able to win me over.
Sisters - Check out Taylor's super cute outfit!
Grandma and Santa checking out the super cool Yo Gabba Gabba paints that Katie got for Emma.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The holiday season - Emma meets Santa
Her first meeting of the jolly guy was at Grampy & Grammy Lu's house. She arrived grumpy as usual after not getting her usual long afternoon nap. But after a bit she warmed up and was quite content playing on the living room couch with her cousin Ryan. Until she heard a knock at the door:
"Get me outta here Mama!!" - You would not believe how fast she scrambled from one side of the couch into my lap as Santa stepped through the front door!
This was as close as she got without completely freaking out. Ryan on the other hand is an old pro.
Hmm, a present. I think I can handle this and I definitely know what to do this year.
Poor little girl! And look at her Daddy's face, don't you think he is enjoying it a bit? :)
Don't worry, this lasted all of 5 seconds before she escaped and made a bee line for me. She did eventually "make up" with Santa and even shared one of her toy cupcakes with him.
And before we made the drive home Grammy Lu read Emma some books - her absolute favorite thing to do. Except these days she prefers to read us the books. Which is just about as cute as when she talks to her "boyfriend" Noah on the telephone :)
Tomorrow's post...Christmas Dinner with the Kozel's with another visit from Santa!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A new year, a new me
Secondly, as Emma gets older and older, I want to remember ever single detail from her life. And as she quickly approaches her 2nd birthday it's amazing the things I've already forgotten over the past year. So, not only will my writing daily plan hopefully help me personally...I hope it will also be a chance for me to capture the funny, day-to-day events of her life so she can look back and find a little glimpse into her toddlerhood.
Or the time that she learned she could crawl into her doll stroller all by herself:
So, while I can't possibly commit to updating this blog daily, I can commit to at least writing SOMETHING daily. Cheers to a great 2011!